Sato Hiro, the illustrator, ended his life in 1995 while still young (aged45).
Some of his artistic work has been published in Japan by Kyuryudo Publishing, in a book whose title can be translated, approximately, as"Melancholic Dance--the world of Sato Hiro."

My name is Machida Hideo.
I collaborated with Hiro, doing graphic design to accompany his art, mainly for commercial printing, for about 10 years. I'dlike to introduce some of our work here.

Illustration: Sato Hiro (1949-1995)
Art Direction: Machida Hideo
English Translation: Narita Erico

The names of people in this site are stated with the family name first and the given name last, as is Japanese custom.

Machida Hideo Design Office WebSite

[Melancholic Dance]
the world of Sato Hiro
Editorial Design:
Murakami Sachiko